Change their Story 2023

Give the gift of opportunity

The year’s Change Their Story campaign is focused on providing opportunities for the youth and families in Ogoloi, Bukedea and Ongongoja to move toward their end goal of being self-sufficient.  The people in these communities are excited to work hard and are so thrilled with the progress they have made over the last few years and we want to empower them with even more opportunities to provide for themselves! Each of our communities has a long term development plan and these opportunities will help them move forward in reaching their goals of independence.  Please consider joining us in Changing the Stories of these communities with your generous tax-deductible donation towards the following projects!

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Graduation Start-up Tools: $27,000 Sixty-nine students from three different CarePoint locations have recently completed their vocational training programs and are in need of some start-up tools to grow their small businesses. The CarePoints would like to provide an these start-up tools and host graduation parties in their communities. After graduation, the students will be able to provide for themselves and their families and live sustainable, empowered lives. These start-up tools will help these students to start living independently, and provide for themselves and their families. Our ultimate goal is to break the cycle of dependency by empowering students with opportunities for a sustainable livelihood.

Farmers Group at Bukedea CarePoint: $3,000 The Bukedea Farmer’s Project will address food security challenges in Bukedea CarePoint community and increase income among group members after the sale of the produce. The project will have a direct impact on 7 farmer groups that comprise 140 guardians and community members, and indirectly on 200 children. We will need $3,009 to start the Bukedea Farmer’s Project, and then it will sustain itself while benefiting the community. The 7 identified farmer groups will be supported with maize seeds and other farm inputs, and the farmers will be trained in their groups to pilot modern farming in the community of Bukedea. The farmer groups will produce large quantities of corn, and the harvest from the farms will be sold from within and outside the community to raise money for continuous production. Group members will also transfer the farming and saving knowledge to their homes for household development. It is expected that the Bukedea Farmer’s Project will benefit many families through sale of crops, ultimately resulting in helping the community achieve its sustainability plan.

Education Funds: $5,000 As more of the children in our program get older and advance in their education, the cost of their schooling increases. When children in Uganda enter high school, they need to go to boarding school in order to get a quality education. These funds will provide better schooling opportunities to help students succeed and reach their education and career goals. Due to COVID shutdowns, youth are behind in education. We want to empower them to continue to go to school and keep their dreams of success alive!

All funds donated through this webpage will be distributed among the projects listed above.

Any funds raised in excess of this fundraiser’s goal amount will support the ongoing education fund needs at Ogoloi, Bukedea and Ongongoja CarePoints in Uganda.