Travis and Lori Evans

HopeChest Ambassadors

Advocating For Wera CarePoint

Partners and Friends,

You are most welcome! Aturi te te edjekite — “Praise the Lord.” In Philippians, Paul writes, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 1:3-6

The word Paul uses for “partnership” is the Greek word koinónia. It refers to a deep, intimate fellowship and communal participation among believers, united by their shared relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It encompasses the idea of sharing in spiritual blessings, mutual support, and active partnership in the faith. It’s in this spirit that we warmly welcome you as our “Partners” — those who have stood with us since the early days in 2011/2012, those who have joined us along the way, those called to the mission field, and those seeking the Lord’s guidance for their next steps in life.

Our Why

Do you know your whyFor Lori and me, our journey to understanding why we do what we do might have looked different, but at the heart of it all is this truth: 

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” — 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

This why is what led us to connect with Children’s HopeChest and the people of Wera, Uganda. It is the foundation of our deep, intimate fellowship and our shared journey with this incredible organization. The relationships we’ve built around Jesus have allowed us to witness firsthand the transformation that occurs in both the individuals who partner with HopeChest and the broader mission of the organization itself. See photos below of some of our treasured moments.

How You Can Partner With Us

Become a CarePoint Champion: Empower the Wera Community to Thrive

For just $45 a month, you can help Wera CarePoint reach a place of graduation—when it becomes self-sustaining and no longer needs financial assistance from Children’s HopeChest. Your support is crucial in ensuring that children and their community thrive in every aspect of life.

Give to the Peanut Butter House

At Wera CarePoint, the Peanut Butter House is a vital resource that helps produce life-saving peanut butter paste for kids battling severe malnutrition. This nutritious paste has already made a huge difference in many children’s lives, and we want to do even more. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to improve the Peanut Butter House so we can empower the community to serve more kids and families in need. 

Join Us on a Trip to Uganda!

In the summer of 2025, we’re leading a team of missionaries to Wera, Uganda, and we’d love for YOU to be a part of this incredible journey. If you feel called to serve and experience God’s work firsthand, this trip is for you. Sign up below to receive more details and find out how you can be part of this mission.

More about Children's HopeChest


HopeChest works in multiple areas of community transformation to understand and address the underlying problems that cause poverty. We’ve identified these this concept as the “Twelve Areas of Transformation.” Learn more about our approach to community transformation.