“Vision Trip” is not another name for “Mission Trip.”

Vision Trips play a key role in our Community-to-Community partnership model. A Vision Trip allows community leaders to envision how their community can transform not only the lives of vulnerable children and their communities but also their community back home.

What is a Vision Trip?

A Vision Trip allows those who are considering a partnership with Children’s HopeChest the opportunity to see firsthand the difference our unique Community-to-Community approach can make toward long-term development. The purpose of a Vision Trip is two-fold…

Help partners gain a deeper understanding of HopeChest’s unique Community-to-Community approach.

Build trust and relationship with CarePoint community leaders.

A Vision Trip with Children’s HopeChest is unlike any trip you’ll experience with another organization.

What will I do on a Vision Trip?

On an a Vision Trip, participants visit several CarePoints to evaluate the potential for partnership with specific communities. At each location, we will visit with local leadership, and learn about community assets and the future vision of long-term change. Most importantly, we will discuss the difference a partnership can make in transforming the community.

Additionally, participants engage and interact with the children in the community, visit their homes, and immerse in the community culture to better understand the opportunities and challenges at hand. (Read more about what to expect on a Vision Trip on our blog.)

Upcoming Vision Trips

Guatemala smiles

Guatemala Vision Trip (Leadership Focus)

Country: Guatemala
Partner: Various Partners and Leadership Development Program Donors

Date: June 11-16, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: GT240601T

Ethiopia 6

Ethiopia Vision Trip

Country: Ethiopia
Partner: Various

Date: July 13-20, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: VT240703T

Guatemala 2

Guatemala Vision Trip

Country: Guatemala
Partner: Various

Date: July 19-27, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: VT240701T

Uganda 1

Uganda Vision Trip

Country: Uganda
Partner: Various

Date: Sept 12-20, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: TBD


Guatemala Vision Trip

Country: Guatemala
Partner: Various

Date: Sept 13-20, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: VT240901T

education, Ethiopia, kindergarten, end poverty, non profit

Ethiopia Vision Trip

Country: Ethiopia
Partner: Various

Date: October 18-26, 2024
Type: Vision Trip
Trip ID: VT241001T

Questions about all Vision Trips?

If you have general questions about all Vision Trips, or if you’d like to speak with someone about joining one, please complete the form below.

  • Please include your full address (Ex. 123 Main St., AK 12345)