When we post a job opportunity at Children’s HopeChest I’m amazed at the percentage of business leaders who apply. HopeChest is a non-profit organization that engages in highly relational, sustainable, asset-based development work with the poor and vulnerable around the world.
Most of these applicants are individuals who have been in corporate settings for decades and are looking for a chance to “do something meaningful.” They are looking for a “greater calling” for their lives. When I press them about this mindset they typically share about wanting to be engaged in something that matters or something that is more than the bottom line of making money.
Simply put, they are looking for a greater sense of purpose, satisfaction, and community – something away from the daily grind of their current jobs. Several of those inquiring about Children’s HopeChest, are searching for meaning and feel led to leave a legacy of giving.
I totally agree; we all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, or a greater calling. We want work with passion and purpose to make the world better. The question is, “Why can’t this be done in your workplace today?”
I think it can.
I believe we can live counter-culturally and be shrewd about how we bring people into a transformative gospel through compassionate living – IN THE WORKPLACE.
“Our company has always been about more than the bottom line. Our partnership with HopeChest has created an incredible opportunity for our team to impact and improve the lives of kids and
communities around the world, while fostering an environment that helps our staff be a part of something bigger than themselves.”

Statistics show that less than 30% of millennials feel purpose and meaning in the workplace. This lack of purpose creates less productivity, more burnout, and an inability to engage employees. Ultimately employees leave to find something more fulfilling.
“Children’s HopeChest has a unique model that reaches some of the most vulnerable children around the world. Through nutrition and other programs, they lift up communities and help them become self-sustaining. HopeChest helped us live our purpose to nourish families so they can flourish and thrive.” – JOHN BRYANT, FORMER CHAIRMAN AND CEO OF KELLOGG COMPANY
At HopeChest, we believe the corporate setting is a powerful place where a greater calling and purpose can thrive. We can link you and your team to something that will transform the lives of the poor and vulnerable around the world. We believe your team will be transformed through hands-on experience and generosity. Through shared experience, you create a more engaged, unified, and productive team that is making a profound difference in the world.
It’s a bold and courageous move that might leave a legacy your organization will never find just by increasing the bottom line.

Hear about how you can engage your company in a Greater Calling, at greatercalling.com