Nonprofits collectively let out a shout of joy when we heard that 2020’s Giving Tuesday was moved up from December 1st to tomorrow, May 4th.
Currently, our global community is banding together in support of those who are helping on the frontlines. HopeChest’s frontline workers are CarePoint staff who are working quickly and tirelessly to help protect children in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Giving Tuesday was moved up because nonprofits need critical resources now.
We deeply appreciate our generous sponsors, donors, and partners and their commitment to help protect vulnerable children and their families. Below are five ways your generous Giving Tuesday gift provides critical support.
1 – Hygiene distribution and trainings
The most effective way to help keep children and their families safe from severe illness is taking preventative measures. HopeChest CarePoint staff around the world have been implementing training on how to properly wash hands, to not touch the eyes or face with unwashed hands, and to keep a safe distance from others.
To support this training, hygiene materials, like soap and sanitizer, have been provided for CarePoint children and their families.

2 – Food distribution
The secondary impacts of a pandemic in impoverished communities can be crushing. Some of the measures governments in the countries we serve put into place are to close schools (which is where many children receive their only meal of the day), prohibit individuals 60 or older from leaving the home (which may mean that a primary caregiver who is over 60 cannot work or go out to buy food), to shut down public transportation (which may limit where families can get their food and supplies), and to close borders (which limits supplies entering a country).
CarePoint staff in each country have identified the most vulnerable families in their communities and provided nutritional support. Recently, 339 families in Kenya received emergency food supplies to help them weather the quarantine.

2 – Personal protective equipment
Some countries, like Moldova and Guatemala, are requiring its citizens to wear a mask when outside the home. The consequences of not wearing a mask are either a large fine or jail time if a person cannot afford the fine. This puts low-income and impoverished individuals in a difficult spot, as they may not be able to find or afford a mask with rising prices and consequently cannot afford the fine.
CarePoints, like the directly implemented CarePoints in Guatemala, are purchasing cloth masks at a reasonable price from the Pueblo Modelo CarePoint. This keeps vulnerable children and their families safe from both contracting and spreading the virus and the expensive repercussions of not wearing a mask.

4 – Potential medical support
So far no HopeChest CarePoint children have tested positive, but there is potential that support will be needed in the future. CarePoint staff are doing everything they can to help keep children and their families safe, but HopeChest wants to be prepared and equipped to act quickly just in case medical support is needed.
In Uganda, CarePoint children know that if they believe they have symptoms or are ill during quarantine, that they can call the staff at the CarePoint who will help them find the care they need.

5 – Gaps in operational funding
To be candid, many nonprofits are preparing for financial impact. Some of HopeChest’s partners who have been giving generously and selflessly may be in a tight financial situation as they face cut hours, lay offs, or limited work opportunities.
Your donation ensures general operations continue as normally as possible under the circumstances.
This Giving Tuesday, Children’s HopeChest is requesting a meaningful donation where it’s needed most.
PS: A provision in the CARES Act incentivizes charitable giving. When you give in 2020, you can receive an above-the-line deduction for up to $300. Children’s HopeChest is asking you to prayerfully consider making a donation of $300. Your donations make a critical impact during this time.