Jessica Duran

Jessica Duren is a communications specialist for the Missouri Department of Higher Education and she works as a freelance writer in her spare time. Jessica got involved with Children’s HopeChest in 2011. She immediately fell in love with the kids, the communities, and the mission, and has traveled to Uganda five times as a result. She is the HopeChest Partnership Leader for her church’s partnership with a CarePoint in Guatemala. Freshwater Church – Jefferson City will be launching its CarePoint in Summer 2017.

Tailoring Hope

“Children’s HopeChest exists to glorify God by releasing the potential of orphaned and vulnerable children and their communities through partnerships that cultivate holistic transformation and sustainability.” That’s our mission, and “holistic transformation and sustainability” takes many different forms around the HopeChest world. At Bukedea CarePoint in Uganda, they’ve established a vocational training program focusing on …

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