Our HopeChest Partnership Leaders are passionate about God’s call to care for the vulnerable and orphaned. They work tirelessly overseeing sponsorship, engaging sponsors and aiding in the deepening of relationship between the sponsoring community and the CarePoint they serve.
Today we are very excited to introduce you to Susan Mogish, Partnership Leader for the Kameshkovo Orphanage in Vladimir Region Russia.
1. How did you become engaged with Children’s HopeChest
The church we attended was having a mission’s conference. It was a large church with many outreaches. I stopped at one of the tables that a friend of mine was working. She told me that our church sponsored an orphanage in Russia. I wasn’t aware of this and started looking through the sponsorship cards. I was immediately drawn to one of the cards of a little girl named Tanya. I talked to my husband and he agreed we would sponsor her. From that first moment when I saw her picture, my heart was burdened and filled with love for not only her but for all the children at the orphanage. I took my first trip in 2005 and have been blessed to go to Russia every year since that time

2. What kind of transformation have you seen at your CarePoint/Orphanage?
There has been so much transformation and I believe the key is working together with our partners in Russia through God’s love. The life skills program, the visits, the supportive friendships have made a difference in the kid’s lives. Our orphanage also has foster care which has also made a significant difference in many lives. The kids we visit now seem much more secure, confident and even happier than when we first started going. The number of kids staying for advanced education and then going onto the university is phenomenal. At one time it was believed in Russian society that an orphaned child couldn’t finish a University education. Many of our kids who stay in the Vladimir region continue to be involved in our ministry center activities.
3. How have you seen lives in your community in the US change through traveling or sponsoring a child?
The change in lives from traveling and sponsoring is always something so beautiful to me. I see people’s hearts open up as they become connected to their sponsored child in a unique way that I believe only God can orchestrate. I see many of them remain faithful to their sponsored child even when that child may not be faithful to return the love in the same way that they give it. I see that the depth of the love in people’s hearts for these children continues to grow the more they stay involved. Overall, I see their capacity for love enlarged and continue to grow. I think this is important because “the greatest of these is love.”
4. What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
5. Tell us about your favorite moment traveling to your CarePoint?
It is hard to come up with just one favorite moment as there have been so many special ones so I’d like to highlight two! Meeting my sponsored child (Tanya) for the first time in 2005! We have stayed engaged with her all the way through independent living (which is a CHC program for older orphan graduates). She graduated from the university and we were privileged to attend her wedding in 2015! At the wedding Tanya requested my husband, David, to dance with her for the father/daughter dance. I totally credit CHC and the diligent work of those in Russia with making it possible for her to succeed at this level. Next, one of my favorite moments was a couple of years ago when we had our camp theme as Narnia. The children were so open to the story and it opened up their hearts and imaginations more than any other camp we have done. We had a Narnia banquet and I was seated with several of our younger boys. They went on and on about how good Aslan was and they were full of questions. They wanted to talk about everything in the story. The shining light in their eyes, their eagerness to learn more and just their sweetness was so encouraging. I felt like the power of hope and goodness in the story had made and would continue to make a difference in their lives. We were able to give them Narnia books in Russian and the kids were lined up excitedly to receive them.