Leave a Legacy in 2022: Your Last Chance to Give Before the Year Ends!

Thank you, HopeChest community! It’s been another extraordinary year of releasing the potential of orphaned and impoverished children and their communities through partnership and two-way transformation. The impact that Children’s HopeChest has been able to have on the lives and communities of thousands with your partnership is truly incredible. It’s easy to lose sight of the significance of the difference we make in the lives of vulnerable people when we live so far apart from each other. However, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the positive impact we’ve had.

I recently had the opportunity to visit Guatemala and celebrate the 10-year anniversary of HopeChest Guatemala. During my trip, I was constantly reminded of the meaningful difference that your support is making in the lives of orphaned and impoverished children and their communities. I was able to witness firsthand the impact of your faithful giving, including the graduation of the first class of the Guatemala Leadership Academy and the completion of a chicken coop project at El Reparo CarePoint. I also saw firsthand the success of Savings-Group training sessions, which equip CarePoint guardians and young adults with the skills they need to save money and achieve financial independence. This trip was a reminder of why HopeChest’s unique approach to transformation is so essential. We’re not just helping provide the needs of today, but helping pave the way for individuals to be independent, for communities to be strengthened, and for children to flourish to their full potential. In today’s blog, I am delighted to showcase just how effective your investment can be—not just today, but for years to come!

One of our first stops in Guatemala was the El Reparo CarePoint, where we were privileged to attend a graduation ceremony for the chicken coop project. This income-generating initiative not only improves nutrition and health, increases food security, and provides additional income for families through the sale of chickens, but it also empowers and dignifies the women who participate. Eight mothers were given the skills and resources they needed to succeed in raising chickens and supporting their families. In addition to the practical benefits, the chicken coop project fosters teamwork and collaboration among the women, and serves as a source of inspiration and leadership for others in the community. We were honored to celebrate the graduation of these hardworking and determined women and to witness the transformative impact of the project firsthand.

During our trip, we had the opportunity to support the first graduating class of the Guatemala Leadership Academy, a program that empowers youth to become emerging leaders and agents of community transformation. Through a combination of vocational training, leadership development, and discipleship, these graduates have acquired the skills and knowledge they need to launch their own small businesses in their communities. We were thrilled to see the positive impact of the program firsthand and to celebrate the success of these young entrepreneurs. The Guatemala Leadership Academy not only helps build healthy businesses and stimulate local economies, but it also promotes stewardship and spiritual impact in the community. We can’t wait to see the continued growth and success of our graduates in 2023 and beyond.

Finally, we had the chance to come together with the entire HopeChest Guatemala community and celebrate all that God has accomplished through our work over the past decade. It was truly awe-inspiring to see firsthand the transformative impact that Children’s HopeChest has had on countless families, churches, and communities around the world. We have not only helped children escape the pains of poverty, but we have also been a catalyst for 360° transformation in the lives of those we serve. To mark this special occasion, we held a day-long event with all of the CarePoints that are part of HopeChest Guatemala. Over 70 people attended the celebration, which included prayer and worship, speeches, activities, a photo booth, delicious food, and music. A video was also shown highlighting all that God has done through HopeChest Guatemala over the past 10 years.

We hope these testimonies of impact in Guatemala will touch your heart like they did mine, and that you can see the real impact you can have when you partner with HopeChest! Our work towards empowering impoverished communities seems vast, but we can take one step at a time towards that goal, together. 

I ask that you prayerfully consider giving a meaningful gift, which will allow us to reach more children and maximize our impact. This is the final chance to make an impact through a generous gift before 2023!  HopeChest relies heavily on your commitment to continue our operations for the benefit and growth in the most impoverished communities. We humbly request that you consider HopeChest in your Year-End giving plans. 

We wish you and your family a very Happy New Year, and all of us at HopeChest are looking forward to continuing our partnership with you in 2023!


Portrait of KenKen Sparks, Children’s HopeChest President and CEO, is a graduate of Indiana University-Bloomington, where he majored in political science with a minor in business and a certificate from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Although Ken’s “official” workspace is at his desk at the organization’s U.S. headquarters in Colorado Springs, he works anywhere there is anyone willing to listen about what God is doing through HopeChest!