Encouragement from a Passionate Letter-Writer
Personal Impact Sponsorship

Encouragement from a Passionate Letter-Writer

When was the last time you wrote a note to someone you cared about? When you receive a letter, doesn’t it feel amazing to know that someone took the time to intentionally connect with you?
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What Is It Like Interning with Children’s HopeChest?
Blog Personal Impact

What Is It Like Interning with Children’s HopeChest?

We deeply appreciate our interns and the time they devote to using their talents and skills to further HopeChest’s mission of breaking the cycle of poverty around the world. So, what is it like interning for Children’s HopeChest?! Hear it straight from Audrey in this week’s post.
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How Children’s HopeChest Addresses a Biblical Picture of Poverty
Big Picture

How Children’s HopeChest Addresses a Biblical Picture of Poverty

How does worldview affect a community’s ability to move through poverty? Tom Jennings (International Program Director) explains how Children’s HopeChest comes alongside communities to identify assets and move toward long-term transformation.
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A Biblical Picture of Poverty
Big Picture

A Biblical Picture of Poverty

What does it mean to be impoverished? Does redistribution of wealth work to solve poverty? Today, we invite you to expand your definition of poverty and look at it through a Biblical lens.
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Navigating Travel in the Time of Coronavirus
Big Picture

Navigating Travel in the Time of Coronavirus

In 2019, 968 individuals traveled to visit their friends at HopeChest CarePoints. That’s a lot of dedicated people investing in building meaningful friendships! So, with cancelled travel this year, what has our Travel Team’s experience been like, and what do they have up their sleeve for the future?
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“From Grass to Grace:” A single mom’s story of entrepreneurial transformation
Income-Generating Activities Stories of Hope Uganda

“From Grass to Grace:” A single mom’s story of entrepreneurial transformation

Meet Resta, a determined and hard-working single mom in Uganda who has an entrepreneurial spirit. Hear how her local CarePoint came alongside her and provided unique opportunities for her to express her talents and work hard for her family.
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Receiving Sponsorship Support as a Child Empowered Me to Empower Others
Blog Personal Impact Stories of Hope

Receiving Sponsorship Support as a Child Empowered Me to Empower Others

In today’s blog, Atkelt shares his personal story of receiving support as a child to working at Children’s HopeChest, where he now impacts thousands of children through his work. He reflects on the close friends who came alongside him when he was young and wrote him encouraging letters and supported him in his studies. Atkelt’s story is a powerful testimony of relationships that make an impact.
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A Liturgy for Friendship
Blog Personal Impact

A Liturgy for Friendship

Continuing to connect others, Chris (HopeChest Sponsorship Systems Senior Manager) drew from his theology background to create, “A Liturgy for Friendship.” We hope you share this liturgy with others and experience the joy of connection and friendship during a time when many are feeling distant or divided.
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Celebrating Families (and a Minion) Returning to Russia CarePoints After Quarantine!
Russia Stories of Hope

Celebrating Families (and a Minion) Returning to Russia CarePoints After Quarantine!

It’s been a long six months of quarantine for families in Russia. After such a long time of not being able to see the Young Mothers Program participants in-person, Vladimir CarePoint threw a wonderful party to celebrate!
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Introducing, Greater Calling! Four Experts Weigh in on Corporate Social Responsibility
Blog Podcast

Introducing, Greater Calling! Four Experts Weigh in on Corporate Social Responsibility

Children’s HopeChest is stepping up to provide resources to businesses to launch their purpose into the world through global partnerships. Introducing, Greater Calling, a DBA of Children’s HopeChest that focuses on curating impactful business partnerships.
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How a CarePoint in Ethiopia Helped This Young Woman Break From the Cycle of Poverty
Ethiopia Stories of Hope

How a CarePoint in Ethiopia Helped This Young Woman Break From the Cycle of Poverty

Here at Children’s HopeChest, we frequently use terms like “cycle of poverty” and “holistic development.” In today’s blog, we are sharing more of what those words mean and how they manifest in the stories of children who attend HopeChest CarePoints.
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How Are Children Around the World Spending Their Time in Quarantine?
Stories of Hope

How Are Children Around the World Spending Their Time in Quarantine?

Many of the innovative and ambitious children who attend Children’s HopeChest CarePoints have not been taking this season for granted. Learn how children from around the world are spending their time in quarantine and seeing the time they have as opportunities.
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Celebrating 20 Years with a Love Letter to Children’s HopeChest
Personal Impact

Celebrating 20 Years with a Love Letter to Children’s HopeChest

What does Children’s HopeChest’s longest headquarter employee have to say about her 20 years with the organization? Today, Rachel Andrews, Vice President of International Operations, reflects on lessons learned from 20 years in international poverty relief work.
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Moving Mountains: an interview with Hellen, leader of Mt. Elgone CarePoint in Kenya
Kenya Podcast Stories of Hope

Moving Mountains: an interview with Hellen, leader of Mt. Elgone CarePoint in Kenya

How is the pandemic affecting one of the most impoverished communities in Kenya, and what is being done to meet critical needs and create opportunities for long-term change in that area? Hellen Makani, dynamic leader of Mt. Elgone CarePoint shares captivating stories that will fill your heart with hope.
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Three Questions for Russia’s Country Director About COVID-19’s Impact
News Russia Stories of Hope

Three Questions for Russia’s Country Director About COVID-19’s Impact

Russia’s Country Director, Katya Celenina, shares how Russia CarePoints have innovatively transformed to keep participants safe. Learn how CarePoint staff are keeping participants engaged and connected and how orphanage graduates are making an impact in their communities.
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Look for the Helpers
Guatemala Stories of Hope

Look for the Helpers

It’s good to be reminded that there is light when you intentionally look for it. All around the world, there are people igniting fires of hope. Those are the people we are focusing on in today’s blog. We are looking for the helpers.
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The Emotional Impact of Agricultural Programs in Uganda
Blog Stories of Hope Uganda

The Emotional Impact of Agricultural Programs in Uganda

Today we are illustrating the emotional impact of agricultural programs through three stories in Uganda. The nutritional impact is often the main purpose of agricultural initiatives, but the emotional impact is also monumental and helps to move people closer to self-sustainability!
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Hear What HopeChest Has to Say on Core Values and Racial Equality

Hear What HopeChest Has to Say on Core Values and Racial Equality

The death of George Floyd on March 25th, 2020 and resulting events in the United States have been a catalyst...
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Upcoming Racial Equality Podcast Episode
News Podcast

Upcoming Racial Equality Podcast Episode

Children’s HopeChest stands on the side of justice. Learn more about an upcoming podcast episode about racial equality and how you can subscribe to HopeChest’s podcast so you don’t miss it!
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Four Stories that Illustrate the Impact of Discipleship
Stories of Hope

Four Stories that Illustrate the Impact of Discipleship

One of the most impactful aspects of CarePoint programming are discipleship lessons. Developing a personal relationship with Jesus is igniting hope in children’s lives as they learn that they have a unique purpose despite their challenges, and that they never have to face life alone.
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