Children’s HopeChest Announces the Closure of Joel Home

Children’s HopeChest Announces the Closure of Joel Home

Children's HopeChest announced today they will be closing the doors of Joel Home, located in Colorado Springs, CO. Joel Home...
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Christmas in Swaziland

Christmas in Swaziland

It is Christmas time again and in Swaziland we celebrate Christmas too...BUT we do it very different than in America.Œ...
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Follow Your Calling
Blog Personal Impact

Follow Your Calling

God has a calling on all of our lives to do mighty things through the skills, passions, resources and knowledge he has given each one of us. What's your calling?
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The Power of Presence
Blog Community-to-Community

The Power of Presence

One word stands out for me as I reflect on our team’s recent experience at our CarePoints in Swaziland. The word … presence.
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Interview with Bud Davis, Pastor at Commonground Church
Blog Guatemala Interviews

Interview with Bud Davis, Pastor at Commonground Church

The minute I opened HopeChest's website, the words "Community-to-Community" popped up and I was sold!
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HopeChest Featured on Hugh Hewitt Radio Program

HopeChest Featured on Hugh Hewitt Radio Program

We were blessed to have our CEO; Ken Sparks, on Hugh Hewitt's nationally broadcasted radio program on Tuesday, November 29th.
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You Can Help Break The Cycle Of Poverty

You Can Help Break The Cycle Of Poverty

We need your help to solve this problem! And there is no better day than today, Giving Tuesday, to help.
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With Grateful Hearts
Personal Impact

With Grateful Hearts

He has gifted them with a fire in their bellies for changing the status quo and overcoming the cycle of poverty. I'm so grateful for God plating the seed of belief that He has a plan for them and has given them resources that they can use.
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Giuseppe’s School
Community-to-Community Guatemala

Giuseppe’s School

A man everyone came to see starts speaking. This man, Giuseppe, who carries a message from God, who walks without fear because he is following God’s lead, tells the people gathered that God sees them and loves them.
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How We Can Break Free of the Handout Mentality
Big Picture Community-to-Community

How We Can Break Free of the Handout Mentality

When you saw a "handout mentality" you might have thought I was referring to the material poor. Actually, I was referring to you.
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Community-to-Community, Kid-to-Kid
Community-to-Community Personal Impact Uganda

Community-to-Community, Kid-to-Kid

Our family loves partnering with HopeChest because the model goes beyond sponsorship. With Children’s HopeChest, sponsorship is the foundation to not just helping an individual child, but providing hope for a whole community.
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How Investing in Hope Can Make a Difference
Big Picture Community-to-Community

How Investing in Hope Can Make a Difference

In the past, there hasn’t been a way for individuals who have a heart for vulnerable children to get involved with the work HopeChest is doing outside of sponsorship or a community partnership. But today that changes.
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Why is Community So Important?
Big Picture Community-to-Community

Why is Community So Important?

I never cease to be amazed at how God designs things— such beauty, such intention. If you look closely at God’s design for relationships and community, you can clearly see a wonderful reflection of God himself.
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No Longer Just a Picture on Our Refrigerator
Ethiopia Personal Impact Sponsorship

No Longer Just a Picture on Our Refrigerator

I was overcome with emotion seeing his adorable face, as he was no longer just a picture on our refrigerator.
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Celebrating 10,000 Sponsorships!
Blog News Sponsorship

Celebrating 10,000 Sponsorships!

We are really excited to announce that Children's HopeChest has just reached a major milestone in ministry!
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We’re Not as Different as We Think
Personal Impact Uganda

We’re Not as Different as We Think

What I’m realizing is this: no way is right; no culture is ideal. We’re all broken, we all just have a little harder time seeing our own brokenness.
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Reunited, A Video From Adacar CarePoint in Uganda
Community-to-Community Uganda

Reunited, A Video From Adacar CarePoint in Uganda

If you’ve ever been on one of our trips, this video gives you a peek into what it’s like when a group of long-time sponsors is reunited with the community they’ve grown to love.
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What Happens After We Say Goodbye in Swaziland

What Happens After We Say Goodbye in Swaziland

In a land with 40% unemployment and omnipresent illness and death, these Shepherds are walking monuments, beacons of hope to thousands of children.
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The Power of Following God’s Plan, Not Mine
Community-to-Community Personal Impact

The Power of Following God’s Plan, Not Mine

If I would have pushed my agenda then God would not have been able to use me in the same way to bless and speak encouragement to the many children I was blessed to serve.
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Powerful Partnerships
Community-to-Community Guatemala Personal Impact

Powerful Partnerships

Colegio de Israel is an amazing school spreading the love for education and Jesus throughout Tecpan, Guatemala. Our church, 1910 Church, in Boerne, Texas, is privileged to partner with them in making this possible for any child regardless of economic status.
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